Buy HoofStep today!

per month
Start cost: €70

"Cool solution that no one else has, now you are aware of your horse when you are not there"
Tom Engström, horse Bronje in Luleå
per month/horse
Start cost: €100

"Keep track of the horse when you're not there, if he gets sick I find out"
Sandra Henningsson, horse Biggen in Rutbo
per month/horse
Start cost: €130

"I received an alarm about colic behaviour and could quickly, after checking the horse, call a veterinarian"
Caroline Olsson, horse Kefla in Helsingborg
When ordering, a starting cost is paid. As soon as we receive your order, we will give you access to HoofStep's app and return to you regarding the size of the headgear. After the goods have been delivered, invoicing of the monthly subscription begins.
Free support

Free shipping
14 days free return policy

Binding time 6 months
Limited stock