Finally, have full control over your horse around the clock
We know how important the horse's health and well-being is to you. If your horse gets injured, sick or stressed, it affects your performance and can mean suffering and huge costs. With HoofStep's intelligent monitoring, you easily get full control of the horse's well-being all hours of the day. You get to know your horse more deeply and if it deviates from its normal behaviour you immediately get an alarm on your mobile.

"The ability to know what the horses are doing at home when I'm away, for example, at a competition, is fantastic. Just knowing that they are doing well; no one has colic or rolled. I can check directly in the app. Recommend the product to everyone. Fantastic!"
Magdalena Regårdh
Professional competition rider

What happens in the box or pasture when you're not there?
HoofStep®️ is an intelligent solution that identifies behaviours and detects deviant patterns. HoofStep's AI models identify if the horse exhibits deviant behaviours and informs you about these through an alarm in your mobile. In the HoofStep® app you can see more statistics and where the horse is, so you have the opportunity to take action before it's too late.
About HoofStep®️
A healthy horse is a happy horse
HoofStep captures and interprets the horse's movements and behaviours without the aid of cameras or advanced installations. You control who gets access to the information about your horse or your farm.

Monitor your horse wherever you are

Immediate alarm when something happens

Easy and fast installation

Where is the horse right now?
Much more than a GPS tracker!
In HoofStep's app you design the entire farm according to the horse. Where important areas are located; pasture, box, paddock and gates that can be opened and closed. You can easily follow how the horse moves around the areas and over time as well as which horses stick together. By turning on the heatmap view you can see which areas your horse prefers and is most active on. If you hack out, you will get your riding route drawn on the map.

Get to know your horse
What does your horse do during the day? More knowledge gives you a better understanding of your horse's behaviour and needs. Important information if something in the horse's daily routine changes, for example; new buddy, away to a competition during the weekend or transition between grazing season and being stabled. HoofStep's app shows activity and stress level, distance, proportion of eating and resting during the day and back in time. And much more.

HoofStep®️ - A mobile solution
HoofStep's monitoring solution can easily be moved with the horse during training, competition or longer stays elsewhere.
Get immediate alarms!
Most horses are unattended most of the day, in the box or in the pasture. This is when the horse can get hurt, start colicing or for some reason become stressed. HoofStep continuously collects behavioural data from your horse and as soon as it behaves differently towards normal an alarm is sent to your mobile. You immediately see what behaviors triggered the alarm so that you can take correct action.

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